Constitution Week 2022 (Sept 17 - 23)
Constitution Week is celebrated annually during the week of September 17-23 to commemorate the history and importance of the Constitution and bring attention to how it serves still today.
The San Antonio Chapter, NSDAR provided a beautiful display at the Upland Library to celebrate Constitution Week.
Cleaning of the Madonna of the Trail Statue
The Madonna of the Trail statue was cleaned in early January 2019. After a thorough cleaning, a preservative coating was applied to the stone.
First Place Winner at National Daughters of the American Revolution for Social Media and Broadcasting
The San Antonio Chapter, NSDAR, won first place in California, then the Southwest Division, and on to National where we won first place. We recorded a news item for Spectrum One News on the history of the Madonna of the Trails Statue and what she means to so many.
Photo courtesy of chapter archives
Annual Memorial Day Remembrance
Chapter members along with other service organizations place a memorial wreath on the Veterans Memorial at Bellevue Cemetery in Ontario.